Friday, September 24, 2004

Why do people have to go and make my blood boil?

This is the letter I wrote to Budget. They're trying to screw me over.
Read it.

I was thinking that it would be funny if at the end I wrote
P.S. You're an assclown.
Rob didn't think that sounded very professional, so I left it out.

P.P.S. My sister is going to yell at me for saying assclown.
P.P.P.S. So is my dad. Sorry dad. I'm standing in the corner.


Anonymous said...

Now I purposely won't yell at you for saying "assclown" whatever the hell that is...but you know how I really feel, don't you? That word, not so professional, not so lady-like...that's all I have to say.

jon jon said...

I, for one, would like to say that -- while it's a good thing you didn't call her an assclown -- you absolutely should have. Second, I would like to call you my personal hero of the day ... ... nay, week. You rock Lola. See you tomorow.

Anonymous said...

if you ask me, ur an assclown

love dan