Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Good Morning, America
You're certainly a scary place to live today.

So all morning as I was watching the news, I was trying to post but blogger wouldn't work, and I think that maybe that was a message from God, because I was pretty pissed this morning, and probably shouldn't have been allowed to vote.
For your reading convenience I have divided this post into two parts 1. election stuff 2. other stuff. This way, if you want to skip right past all of my angry stuff, you have that option.

1. Election stuff
a. Well, I have to say, congratulations to Bush on actually getting ELECTED this year and not APPOINTED. That's the first step to being a real-live legitimate president. Don't get me wrong, you're not there yet, but you've made a step.
b. God save us.
c. seriously, i really was trying to do a good job about not being bitter, but... well, I'm not.
d. Michigan. You let me down. What is up with you? I love you so much and then you went and passed the law banning gay marriage. Here is a question I have for you, if you were one who voted to pass it. Do you reallly think that you have the right to tell people that you dont know if they're allowed to get married? No, Realllllly? If you do, I would like to hear your argument, so please post a response on my site. Here's the challenge though. You're not allowed to use religion as a reason. Because, as you'll recall, not everyone in this country has the same beliefs, so I can't imagine why you would try to govern the entire country by one set of them. I suspect that when you take religion out of the picture, the only thing people will say for a reason against gay marriage is something that comes down to the fact that people feel uncomfortable about it. And really, do you think that's a good reason to pass a law? I just dont. Some day I'm going to get elected and, since I think pork is gross, I'm going to pass a law that no one can eat pork. No seriously, I am, just because I feel uncomfortable about pork. What do you mean do I have a right to tell you what I eat? OF COURSE I DO, I GOT ELECTED.
e. more election anger later, I have a conference in 4 minutes.

2. Other stuff.
a. So my Party Assistant job this weekend- I'm working a party for PETA. Oh, PETA, you're thinking, the animal rights group. NO. Here at good old SLC, PETA stands for "People Eating Tasty Animals". No, seriously. They're having a pig roast. Gross.
To comment on this matter, I'm going to have my sister as a guest opinion on my blog, because she doesnt like meat, and believe me, she will tell you about it.


jon jon said...

Something that we have to come to terms with is that we don't actually live in a non-secular nation-state. This election proves it. The presidential election, the myriad of states that have passed laws or state-constitutional amendments to legalize gay bashing and segrigation... we live in a Religious based nation, government and all. 10 years ago, nah, I'd say we were just lazy americans. Now, I heard a statistic from a well informed dude, 45% of the country considers themselves Evangelical. Read another way, 45% of this country believes that the Bible is the word of God handed down from on high, and is infallible. Therefore, to ask for folks opinion on gay marriage bans and say that religion isn't allowed as an answer, while reasonable and -- you know -- right, it's not going to work. It's just one more way to make someone that doesn't agree with "us" that much more painfully aware, and people are jumping at it. They're different, therefore wrong. Or whatever. It's all crap. Maybe in the next four years someone will make me use another bathroom because I wear plaid. It would make as much sense.

jon jon said...

I want to amend my comment - and since I can't edit it, I'm just making another. I'm trying, through this election and it's aftermath, to not be inflamatory or at least not offensive. And I think that I'm for the most part succeding. There's one thing in my comment that I want to clarify. When I said that to not allow religion as a reason for voting for the marriage ban was "you know, right," what I mean is that you, Lola, are right to not think it is right to subject people to religious beliefs that they do not hold. And, wow. I'm being wordy as hell tonight. Anyways... just wanted to make sure that... well... I don't know what I wanted to make sure. But, hopefully I did. Make sure that is.

Lola said...

Just once more, and I will forever let this go.
And Jon, the 'you' in this is not directed toward you, I'm not even really responding to your comment, just further commenting on the issue...

You know whats funny? I absolutely consider myself to be christian. And I don't think that gay marriage should be banned. You will never ever convince me that people are not born gay. Being homosexual would be a trememdously hard thing to be, especially in this country, as we learned on tuesday. Why would people choose to live a difficult life where they are different from those around them? Did you choose to be heterosexual? Absolutely not, you were born, and somewhere in elementary school you began to have little crushes on the opposite sex. It was ingrained in you. So why would you think that homosexual people got a choice? They were born that way.
You, also, were born with things that, according to the Bible, are not right. Lying, swearing, taking the Lord's name in vain, envy, gluttony, impure thoughts. None of us are perfect. What makes you think that being homosexual is worse than any of those other things? I had catechism in seventh grade, but I do believe there was something in there about all sins being equal in the eyes of God.
One more thing and, I swear, I will forever let this issue go.
What benefit comes from banning gay marriage? Do you think that you are stopping people from being gay? Do you think that people will say "oh, I can't marry someone of the same sex, guess I'll find someone of the opposite sex" get real. Failing to recognize something doesn't make it any less true. So now, you will have just as many homosexuals in the world as you did before the ban, you just wont call them married. There you are, you've made absolutely no impact on the state of affairs, besides the fact that you are denying people rights that they are entitled to. What's that whole thing about "all men are created equal"?

Lola said...

Just once more, and I will forever let this go.
And Jon, the 'you' in this is not directed toward you, I'm not even really responding to your comment, just further commenting on the issue...

You know whats funny? I absolutely consider myself to be christian. And I don't think that gay marriage should be banned. You will never ever convince me that people are not born gay. Being homosexual would be a trememdously hard thing to be, especially in this country, as we learned on tuesday. Why would people choose to live a difficult life where they are different from those around them? Did you choose to be heterosexual? Absolutely not, you were born, and somewhere in elementary school you began to have little crushes on the opposite sex. It was ingrained in you. So why would you think that homosexual people got a choice? They were born that way.
You, also, were born with things that, according to the Bible, are not right. Lying, swearing, taking the Lord's name in vain, envy, gluttony, impure thoughts. None of us are perfect. What makes you think that being homosexual is worse than any of those other things? I had catechism in seventh grade, but I do believe there was something in there about all sins being equal in the eyes of God.
One more thing and, I swear, I will forever let this issue go.
What benefit comes from banning gay marriage? Do you think that you are stopping people from being gay? Do you think that people will say "oh, I can't marry someone of the same sex, guess I'll find someone of the opposite sex" get real. Failing to recognize something doesn't make it any less true. So now, you will have just as many homosexuals in the world as you did before the ban, you just wont call them married. There you are, you've made absolutely no impact on the state of affairs, besides the fact that you are denying people rights that they are entitled to. What's that whole thing about "all men are created equal"?