Friday, November 04, 2005

I Seem To Be The Only One, But...
I do not like James Frey. I do not like him in a boat, I do not like him with a goat, I do not like that Oprah picked his book for her bookclub and, consequently, he will now make a million trillion dollars. I think he is a mean man. Why is he constantly talking about how much other people suck and how he doesn't? Because James Frey is a mean man, I find this funny.
I would not save James Frey from Evil Dakota Fanning and her father's evil gas.


Anonymous said...

Of course I have to comment on this. Of course. He is close to my heart and maybe if you read A Million Little Pieces, you would think differently of him. Have you read the book? I don't even know, but I find it close to impossible for anyone to have harsh feelings towards him after reading that grueling experience and haunting account of it.
He doesn't say that he is better than anyone, he just doesn't want to be categorized in the same "genre"(for lack of better word) as the snooty ny literati walking around.
Also. Yes. James Frey is harsh and hardened. With his life, you'd expect that. But I've met him a few times and corresponded with him and talked with him, and I don't find these accusations to be true at all. He's a laid back dude with an incrdible talent.
I'm just touchy about this subject. Y'know.
No hard feelings, though!! You know the circumstances and reasons; I just couldn't not react to that.

Lola said...

Honestly, I haven't read the book, which is why I can't say anything more about him than a small blog blurb. I hate when people say a book is bad before they read it.

Lola said...

...not that I'm saying it's a bad book...