Book BancheeSo, a while back I joined this site called it's pretty cool, what you do is list books you have that you'd be willing to trade. Then, when someone wants one of them, you send it to them at your expense ($1.59) and you get a credit. Then you can use that credit to buy someone else's book and have it sent to you at their expense. So I sent out some books last week, got some credits. All went fine except for Laura M. from Escondidos (Esconidos?), CA who apparently wanted the LARGE PRINT version of Truth and Beauty. Right from the start, she's got this nasty tone. She's like "I was VERY DISAPPOINTED that I did not receive the LARGE PRINT version which I requested." You know what? Why can't that sentence begin "Dear Laura, Thank you for the book. There is a problem, though, I actually requested the large print book." Why does is have to start off all nasty?
Anyhow, so I respond that she can return it if it isn't the book she wanted. She doesn't want to do that because then it costs her money- that I understand. But it's the TONE people, why so rude? "I should not have to send a book back at my own expense when I have already lost a credit. YOU posted it incorrectly"
Here's where I have to stop Laura M. from Escondidos.
Do you, Laura M., realize that this is a FREE BOOK SWAP? I'm sorry that I misunderstood what you wanted. But, in the end, you paid all of $1.59, and it was a FREAKING MISTAKE. Why would I purposely mis-post a book?
So I say to her, "Keep the book, repost it and use it to get your credit back." There is a wait list for the book, which means it will be requested instantly.
She then feels the need to go into this big drama about "There is no reason for you to mis-post this book. Clearly you didn't read the club rules."
Laura M., did you pull out the 'club rules' card on me?
Dear Laura M.,
What the hell do you want from me. It was a mistake to send you the wrong book. I am sorry. You now have my book, which you're welcome to repost. I do not have the large print book. I get this wierd feeling, Laura M., like you want me to actually BUY the large print book, strap on a backpack and WALK THE DAMN THING TO YOU IN ESCONDIDOS, CA. I'm afraid that I don't have time for that, Laura M., though I'm sure that nothing short of it will make you happy.
Please stop emailing me.
Laura W.
p.s. thank you for carrying on the spirit of a friendly community book swap