Wednesday, April 14, 2004

The State of Affairs

Last night, I went to turn on American Idol (i know, i know, blah blah blah, its my guilty pleasure, okay?) and who was on instead but President Bush. Of course, it annoyed the hell out of me and I screamed at my TV "YOURE MAKING ME MISS AMERICAN IDOL!" And then I felt bad. What kind of person would rather watch a ridiculous singing competition than listen to the what the leader of their country has to say about what was going on. And then I stopped feeling bad. If it were Clinton, I would have listened to it. If it was anyone but Bush, I would probably would have listened to it. Its just that I have no faith in the man, I think he's sneaky, I dont think that he's qualified to be president, and I think that there are many things that he has not been truthful about. So yes, this is what it comes down to. I have more interest in weather or not that red-headed kid is going to get kicked off of American Idol than I do in listening to Bush's spin on things. Sue me.

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