Friday, May 28, 2004

Things are looking up after my long, mind numbing winter in dual job hell. Tonight, I will work for the last time this week. Oh yes, thats right! I dont have to work on a Saturday! Tomorrow, after going to kickboxing in the morning (envisioning high school kids heads as the target of my fists of fury) (oh yeah, thats right, I said fists of fury)I'm going to drive to Lansing and meet up with la familia and see the wedding pictures. Then I'm going to drive back here, pack up the car, pack rob into the car and go to the campsite. There, I will spend my weekend laying on the beach, laying in my hammock, playing poker and having a cookout. Then I'll come home monday, go to work(s)on tuesday, pack up my crap and I'm off to Ireland for 10 days on wednesday. I'm kind of freaking out about this summer though, I think its going to go by so freaking fast. In the seven weeks between getting back from my trip and moving to NYC, Im going to (1) fly out to New York and pick out an apartment (2) hopefully go to BlissFest with Jen and Ryan (3) hopefully go on a real quick hiking trip (4) make a couple trips home for various things (5) work five days a week (6)work like hell on my writing. It seems like there is SOOOO much stuff to arrange before I move-
On another page-
Im thinking about becoming and ex-patriate. I had this table last night with this gay couple who come in all the time and I love, and the guy is like "we're trying to figure out where we could move to.. its kind of a scary time to live in this country.." and Im like, you know, you're totally right. We are 5 months away from electing this man who scares the hell out of me to another 4 years. They're talking about starting a draft back up to fight a war that I dont even believe in and happen to feel is based completely on lies. The country is completely ruining the environment with all of these "new laws" which actually allow more pollution. From reading "Daily Reason to dispatch Bush" on, I've found out that Bush has tried to appoint men who support segregation and oppose homosexual rights to high offices. I think that the fear from the 9/11 attacks has begun a national pride that in most cases would be good, but is being manipulated and used to talk people into giving up rights for supposed "security" and supporting someone who doesnt deserve the support, but fuels the fear. So, where do you think I should go? Prague is nice. Id miss my family, I couldnt really move anywhere. GOOD GOD PEOPLE, PLEASE, PLEASE GO OUT AND VOTE IN NOVEMBER!!
On a positive note- I have to admit that it's great that I live in a country where I can write a post like this and not fear for my life. That really is the best thing in the world about the U.S.

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