Sunday, May 29, 2005

Current Mood: World Domination
Currently Playing: Eye of the Tiger

Rob's a baddie
Rob got a new office chair from my parents for his birthday. He thinks he's a badass. He won't let me sit in it, and when I say that, I mean that if he leaves the room and I sit down he gets mad, despite the fact that he isn't sitting in it. He turns around in it so the back is facing me and does that "I'll Get You Next Time Gadget" Dr. Claw thing. Chair? Check. Computer? Check. Commence World Domination.
Laugh at the chair!
This is Rob and the New Chair ganging up and making fun of Old Chair.


Joseph said...

the old chair actually looks sad and ashamed.

academicecs said...

Makes the other chair look a bit pathetic. So sad for you!

Anonymous said...

I feel so bad for the old chair!