Sunday, March 08, 2009

All About "He's Just Not That Into You"

In my defense, it was actually kind of Rob's choice. Kind of, because I refused to see Watchmen. I wasn't in the mood for scribbly face and blue man. Anyways.. we go. It was alright.
First of all, there's this part where Scarlett Johannsen says to whoever "The categories are sexy, cute, smart and funny. Which two am I? You can only pick two."
So I say to Rob, "Which two am I?"
Do you know that that boy chose 'smart' and 'funny'?
Okay, it's not brain surgery here. EVERYONE knows that, posed with this question that is clearly a trick, you need to choose one from the 'looks' category, and one from the 'personality' column. If you choose two from the looks column, it means you're vapid, and if you choose two from the personality column, it means that you're ugly. Guys, please prepare yourself for this question. And "you're all four" is not acceptable. He tried that too.
Okay, maybe I'm a bit hormonal. Come on, though. I've got like 3 weeks left, and I've been so good thus far.
Then, there's this other part in the movie where this guy I really liked cheated on his wife, and it really pissed me off. So, this morning, I made Rob spend about half an hour telling me all the reasons he's never going to cheat on me. Just so we're clear, I'm not even trying to pretend that that's sane. Give me a break. Anyways, thirty minutes later, when he's rolling his eyes and just about to kill himself, I let it go. Then I said "We should watch one of our Netflix movies tonight."
Rob says "Okay, what do we have?"
He gives me this look and says, "What is that about?"
So I tell him.
Then he says, "Let me get this straight. After the conversation you just put me through, you now want me to watch a movie with you where the woman's child is kidnapped and then she gets someone else's kid back?"
Then Rob went into the bedroom and got the Netflix movie, put it in its return envelope and hid it. He said I could watch it in eighteen years.

In other news, Ryan and Jen joined a bowling league and I'm completely jealous. If you want to start a Kalamazoo bowling league, please let me know. I want shirts, too.

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