Monday, October 30, 2006

As Always, A Few Things..

Today I went to the eye doctor. As we all know, I somehow in my brain invent stories that then become memories and none of them actually happened. I swear to you that when I was 12, my eye doctor told my mom I had a growth in my eye, but that as long as it didn't get any bigger, it was fine. My mom says that never happened. She's like "Laura. Do you think that if someone told me there was a growth in your eye, I'd be okay with that?"
Good point.
But, I SWEAR it happened.
So today at the eye doctor I told him that there was a small possibility that, when I was twelve, I had a growth in my eye, but there was also a possibility that I made it all up. He decided to dialate my eyes, just to be sure.
The Good News is, there is no mass in my eye.
But the GREAT News is that I have super-human optic nerves!
My left optic nerve is TWICE THE SIZE of my right optic nerve and he said he's never seen anything like it. I told him that if he wanted to write a paper on me, I'd help him win the Nobel. He seemed less than interested. Also, I think he may have thought I was flirting with him, but believe me when I tell you that I was not.
The point is, people, I am...


My tagline is going to be "You're getting on my nerve." And then I'm going to learn how to make my eye vibrate and freak people out.
Possibly my story could be adapted into an Oscar-winning movie tenatively titled "A Beautiful Eye."

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