This is Lily and her boyfriend Matt. This is literally the only picture I took, in St. Louis and it's of their backs. I hope someone is around to tell me about my life when I'm old, because I certainly have no proof of anything I did.
On google, you can customize your homepage to be all the links to things that you want to read. And now you can also give your page a theme. For instance, I chose the theme with the fox who appears to be of asian descent. So there's this screen at the top of the page and it has my little fox friend. On one side of the screen is his orange orchard, in the middle is a little pond, and on the left is his little house built on stilts in the water.
I have developed an unhealthy attachment to my fox friend.
Depending on what time of day it is, he's always doing different things when you go there.
For instance, in the morning, he likes to pick oranges on a ladder in his orchard.
Around mid-day he's often washing his clothes in the river or enjoying his little picnic lunch with chopsticks.
At the end of the day, my fox friend likes to sit on his deck and play his banjo for the ducks.
This is becoming a problem. I really feel like he's my friend.
I visit often to see what he's up to.
Here are a couple of Easter pictures. I'm really trying hard to take more pictures but I'm a little lame at it.
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