Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Quick Update

Tonight I sewed my very first sewing project ever. In case you're unaware, my mom is a sewing genius. I am here to tell you that that is not a genetic trait.
Really, though, I did okay, except that the edges of my bag handle are fraying. I think this is because I didn't 'grade the seam'. I don't know what that means, but it sounded boring and time-intensive, so I skipped it. Now they're fraying. I give them a grade of 'F'.
But really, it's a handbag that has a lining- I feel that that's pretty intricate. I'm proud of myself. Plus, I was making it for my sister, so she's the one that's going to have to walk around with a bag with frayed edges anyways.

I hate taxes. Let's not talk about it.

That's really all I've got today. It's snowing like crazy here. I feel as if it's never going to stop snowing.

1 comment:

Margaret Lee said...

i am impressed you are sewing! i have put my knitting aside and I am now back on my needlepoint. southern girls love their handwork! miss you ... so cold in new york!