Monday, December 01, 2008

Dear Owners of Restaurants Named "Blimpie's", "Chubby's", "Tubby's", "Fat City" or the Like-

I think you're missing a crucial truth. People don't want to feel fat. Pretty much ever. Even if we know we're making a poor food choice, we like to somehow delude ourselves. But when you name your restaurant something that reminds us that we are in fact eating something with the potential to pack on a few pounds, we avoid you. Like the plague. We go to places like Subway or Panera or even McDonald's; places where the food is just as bad, if not worse, for us. But at least it's not being thrown in our faces. At least we can enjoy our cheeseburger while we're eating it and feel bad about it later. Not so much with you.
I want you to think about your logic here. I like second hand stores. But I don't think I'd name it "Someone Else's Old Stuff they Didn't Want". That would be a bad idea. It's a tad too real. Where's the flowery delusion?
Consider it. Come find me when you've come to a decision. I'll be at Panera. Which sounds French or something, you may have noticed. Makes me feel all exclusive and multi-cultural.

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