Sunday, July 10, 2005

Current Mood:  just woke up from a nap
Currently Playing:  'Too Hot' Coolio

I've been swallowed by the television...

For like the last seven months or so I've totally not been into anything on TV except for Desperate Housewives, so when that ended in the beginning of May we've barely turned on the TV. Entire weeks have passed where the TV hasn't been turned on.
That seems to be over.
TLC got some sweet shows while I was on TV vacation. There's one called Moving Up that I really like, but my favorite is Property Ladder. It's about 'flippers', who buy real estate, renovate it inexpensively and sell it to make a profit. My sister would be an AWESOME flipper, as she is the queen of home improvement.
Also looking forward to Hogan Knows Best, and I'm not proud of that....

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