Friday, July 08, 2005

I Heart Wet Dogs
I get to old lady's house today, and it's raining quite heavily here, so I'm expecting her to say "Laura, you don't have to walk her in the rain."
No. No, that's not what she said.
Anyone else walked around for a halfhour in a downpour lately?
The dog was none too pleased either and kept shaking itself off right next to me, so not only was I sopping wet, I was sopping wet in dog-water.
Do you know what the lady said to me when I got back to the house? She starts laughing and says "WELL! You must be soaking wet!"
are we being serious here?
Then I went home and changed before going back to work, but I haven't done laundry in a while so I end up wearing light blue athletic pants with a light green hoodie. I look colorblind.
On the upside, I'm having pizza for dinner.
Buuuutt.. that doesn't quite make it right.

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