Thursday, January 19, 2006

Further Proof That I'm Sleeping My Life Away
I love to sleep. Yesterday, I wake up and I turn on the TV while I'm getting dressed and they're saying "phenomenal winds are rocking the NYC area" and I'm looking outside and I'm like, whatever, It's not that bad." I, personally, feel that NY people are wussies. They call off school and act like it's a freaking blizzard when it's barely snowing. Yesterday, however, was different. I walked to school and there were trees down everywhere, power lines down everywhere. There was a a tree that had come up by the roots and completely fallen over. When did all of this happen? Between 6-9, when I was fast asleep. Did I wake up? No. A freaking tractor trailer BLEW OFF THE GEORGE WASHINGTON BRIDGE. Did I hear a thing? No. The only reason I woke up was because my dad called me at 9am, forcing me to wake up. Last night, Large Marge says to me "Some weather, eh?" and I'm like "yeah, but it didn't seem that bad". She says "What time did you wake up?" and I'm like "9". She pi-sha'd me. She's like "well, you should have been up at 6am, then you would have seen it." Yes, that's right, Large Marge shamed me.

1 comment:

Lola said...

Sleeping is the amesomest. People who get up before 9am are LAME.