Sunday, September 29, 2002


So I make this 80's post, which Jon countered. Every one of those things you listed I could ignore, like, yah that was good, but not worthy of a decade. Except. Then you brought the A-Team into it. Ouch. God that was a great freakin show. Im humming the theme music as I type this. You did forger MacGuyver though.. that was sweet too. So my post is this.. I amend my statement to say "The vast majority of media (music, television, etc.) that came out of the 80's was obnoxious and embarrassing.. But then theres the A-Team." Oh. And yes, Robaroo's birth was also good..:) He was born June 8th, which makes his conception in 1979 though.. (just cause you were wondering, Jon)

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