Monday, September 30, 2002

What, pray tell, is the internal atom structure of Quartz? or WHO THE HELL CARES

I'm pissed. I took my first geology test today. Let me preface this by saying that, I know I suck at science, and so I read and took notes on EVERY SINGLE WORD in EVERY CHAPTER for this test. I even did those review questions at the end of the chapter. Needless to say, this is FAR more effort than I usually put into a class. Do you know what this man asked me on the test? SEVERAL questions were as follows
"What is the internal atom structure of Quartz", feldspar, blah blah blah.
140 pages of geological stuff and you think im going to remember the fricking internal atom structure of ONE SPECIFIC MINERAL? lets get real. I know how volcanoes form, I know what a ferromagnesian mineral is, I know all about the Ring of Fire. But oh no, you dont want to ask me about those. You want to know what shape little particles I CANT EVEN SEE are in, in one in FIVE MILLION DIFFERENT TYPES OF ROCKS. Man, you suck.

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