Wednesday, June 20, 2007

I would like you to read this article from my favorite hometown newspaper, The Davison Index. Now that you've read it, disregard most of the story. What I want to go back to is this little section:

When the children achieved the goal, we gave them a "reward" of an all-school picnic and a hot-air balloon ride for the principal and some of us in the PTO, lifting right off the playground.

Sooo... the reward for the kids was watching you take a hot air balloon ride? While they stayed on the ground? It must have been hard to contain themselves.
I'm glad I'm not at your house on Christmas morning.

1 comment:

Kevin McKague said...

The Davison Index is a slanted newspaper, carefully editing its articles and even letters section in order to reflect the view of its publisher and editor.

Go ahead and read it for its cute stories about Davison's schools, or its honor roll listings, but please don't count on it for unbiased reporting of city issues.