Friday, June 10, 2005

Current Mood:  My preeeecious. Smeagle wants it!
Currently Playing:  "Chariot" Gavin DeGraw. Okay, it's not really playing, I'm at work. But I'm singing it in my head.

I want this apartment like a crazy person.
I was all resigned to the fact that we were going to stay in our apartment with the crappy parking and the too-far-awayness. But then I saw this on the housing webboard.

Bronxville. Two graduate students in the heart of Bronxville are looking for a roommate. The apartment is a spacious 3-bedroom, a ten minute walk from campus and one minute from Metro North. It has hardwood floors and a nice living room/dining area. Both of us (one guy, one woman) are second year students in the fiction program, and we are looking for a generally laid back, friendly person to live with.

I want this apartment like a crazy person.
Okay, first of all, the other two people are both grad students that I know and are very nice. Second of all, this apartment is right in downtown Bronxville, right over the bar that we always go to, and has these big gorgeous windows and I could just walk back and forth to school, because it's so close I can see the freaking school from there. Okay, it's not that close. But it's close. Third of all, it would be nice to live with other people, non-90 year old people. Also, free parking. FREEFREEFREEFREEFREEFREE.

Also, I got a mini-housesitting job this summer. So the lady whose dog I walk is going away to the summer house she owns in New Hampshire (of COURSE she owns a summer house in New Hampshire. By the way, I met the housekeeper the other day. Current people on this womans payroll- 1 dog walker, 1 gardner, 1 housekeeper. Current people on my payroll... 0) for two weeks and she wants me to stay in her house. Furthermore, she wants to pay me to stay in her house for two weeks and swim in her swimming pool and lay around in her central air filled house. Um. Okay. Go ahead and pay me for that. I have to admit, there is something a little bit wierd about living in someone else's house, but I'm willing to work past that. If you want me, I'll be in the pool with my water wings and my goggles. Maybe she has a grill...

Today it's just me in the office. New York has this 'summer hours' thing (maybe it's not a new york thing, but i've never heard of it anywhere else...) where you come in a half hour early mon-fri and then you get out at 1pm on friday. Except me, I stay and answer the phone. I'm okay with that. It's just me and I don't really do anything and I dont have to talk to anyone. Kind of like Joe's job. :)

Last night we went out to celebrate Rob's bday- we couldn't go out on his actual bday because he had a big interview the next day and he had lots of reading to do. But last night we went with Joe and Alissa to the Cheesecake Factory. It was the first time I've ever been and it was really good. Except I ate too much bread and then I was way too full to eat any cheesecake, except for a few bites of Rob's, which he didn't really appreciate.

After work.. there will be Target. Lots and lots of Target.

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