Monday, March 20, 2006

Who Says You Can Never Go Home Again?

Remember how you came home from college at the end of the year and you were like "Oh my God, I could never live at home again."? Right. Apparently that goes away after a while. I've been home for the past two weeks on Spring Break. You'd think by the end of the two weeks I would be like "Ooooookay, I am so ready to go home now." No. Not so much. I'm scared that I could live with my parents for the rest of my life and not mind at all. Provided that I didn't have to get a job, of course.
Today, for instance. Woke up around 8ish. Made some oatmeal. Watched Good Morning America with my dad. Organized my mom's pictures into photo albums. My dad's coming home in a little while and we're going to make grilled cheese for lunch. Seriously, what more could you possibly want than a little grilled cheese and a little Good Morning America. Nothing, I tell you, nothing.

1 comment:

academicecs said...

Sorry! Locks have been changed! Bought a pit bull! Basemant has clowns living in it. Go away!