Wednesday, March 10, 2004

What the hell am I going to do with my life?

So, the results are slowly coming back from grad schools- of the seven I applied to- I'm on the wait list for the one I really want and I've been denied admission to two. Now the two that I didnt get into, I can honestly say I'm not too upset about- one was the number one program in the country- i wasnt even going to apply to it, but then my professor told me to. The other was a school that kind of specializes in offbeat, experimental writing, which doesnt necessarily fit my writing. Nonetheless, when you say "Next year, Im going to move to wherever I get into grad school" and then you get letters in your mailbox that say "Nope, can't come here", you naturally start to wonder to yourself WHERE THE HELL AM I GOING TO LIVE?? WHAT IF I DONT GET IN ANYWHERE? Because, I hate to say it, but I dont think I can stay here. I love Kazoo, but I have just been here for too long, and its time to get going. I'm 23 and I still live smack in the middle of one of the largest student areas where everyone is 19/20 and I hear people outside my window at night yelling drunken nonsense and I think to myself YOURE AN IDIOT. But really, they're not. Well, they are, but not in that sense- I mean, I did the same thing the first couple years of college, but know. It's kind of like in kindergarten. I went to this school for kindergarten where we had a pizza party every friday followed by swimming lessons at the country club- There were three levels, and I tested into the advanced swimming class, but my best friend (Megan Bennett) tested into the intermediate. So I said I wanted to stay in intermediate. So I went there, and they were like, learning to float on their backs, and I was all like, come on people, who cant float on their back? and I was all bored and irritated with the people around me because I SHOULDNT HAVE BEEN THERE. See what I mean? Does that sound bad? Because what I mean to say is, everyone had to learn to float on their back, and you know, its okay if youre plugging your nose while youre going underwater. But once you've learned to swim without plugging your nose, you need to move to the advanced swimming class, because after a while, you're looking around going WHY ARE YOU HOLDING YOUR NOSE?? IF YOU JUST BREATHE OUT, THE WATER WONT GET IN. And if everyone around you starts to seem wierd, you're probably the one who's in the wrong place.
Four schools left to hear from. Pray for me.

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