Thursday, December 02, 2004

Freaky Deaky

Okay, seriously people, what the heck is this?
I saw it in the grocery store today and it seriously freaked me out. Apparently this is some new TV show? What is with all these new shows, it's like they're getting freakier and freakier. You know what that toy reminds me of? the movie Hellraiser, the guy who has nails coming out of his head. Here's what drives me crazy- I went to Toys R Us looking for walkie talkies for Sierra for Christmas. Oh no, they don't have walkie talkies anymore, unless you want the $40, high tech adult kind. Walkie Talkies have been replaced by a big, blue, fur-halfway-up-it's-head toy?


Joseph said...

It looks like someone shamed the Cookie Monster. Like he was at a frat party and was the first guy to pass out, and they shaved his big blue head.

Anonymous said...

That is what we like to call a's a cute cuddly thingy that everyonce in awhile, expells air...which means it joke its a television show for kids, by the same people that made teletubbies...
Love, Dan