Sunday, February 18, 2007


(1) John Mayer has crossed the line from very attractive to bizarre looking. When did this happen? It's a shame. A bloody shame. I blame Jessica.

(2) I like reading the newspaper on Sunday.

(3) The Others have a submarine. Chew on that, my friends.

(4) It's flipping February 18th. How did that happen?

(5) Do you know how many miles I ran yesterday morning? SEVEN. Seven miles. Without stopping.

(6) Saw Breach last night. Good. But not great. Entertaining. But not intriguing.

(7) Sara's bday is Friday, but she's going to NY, so I'm not speaking to her.

(8) My niece thinks she's the queen of slang. Tonight she told Erin that "Dinner was off the hook" Do you believe that my seven year old niece not only knows the phrase "off the hook" but can use it correctly?!?!

(9) Every story I write involves a car in some major way. I begin to wonder about this.

(10) Got in to Tin House Writer's Conference, but I can only go if I get the scholarship. But it's nice to get in, nonetheless.

(11) Bought a vacuum today.

(12) Good night and good luck.


rob said...

If all your stories involve cars, maybe you should work for ford.

Margaret Lee said...

But, you are coming to NY, too, very soon. I can't wait. smooches, Lee

Sara said...

I'm not talking to you either because your avatar is an utter disgrace. When we start talking again though, I've had your birthday present here for um... since your birthday.

Anonymous said...

I updated my blog....suck on THAT!

love u bye bye