Monday, June 14, 2004

Nothin's New....

I'll try and make this an exceptionally long post, as Rob is waiting to use the computer with the whining, hopping from one foot to the other, sighing impatience of a five year old. tee hee!
Today we did laundry- five loads of it. You know, everyone asks me "is it hard getting used to living with one another?" and Im like, no, its basically no different. You know what IS hard though? The way Rob folds clothes. I hate the way Rob folds clothes. To the point that I want to take the clothes of mine that he folded and refold them so I can get some sleep at night. Of course, I cant say or do any of this because that would make me a psycho. But I think of my poor t-shirts, folded with their sleeves together instead of my traditional sleeves folded behind the front, and it gives me a tiny tic.
I also hate Nextel today. My service hasn't even BEGUN with them and they already screwed something up. That something being ORDERING MY PHONES. So, if you're trying to get ahold of me or rob.. good luck with that. You'll have a better chance on Wednesday or Thursday.
Tonight they're showing Finding Nemo outside on the new Arcadia Festival site and we're bringing a blanket and sitting out to watch it.

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