Tuesday, July 31, 2007

I think, in the end, it's better that I didn't end up with Adam Duritz. In high school, I had really the biggest crush possible on him. And I really still like his music. But really, don't you think it would be depressing to date him? Also, confusing.
Like this:
Me: So, what do you want to do?
Adam: I wanna be a lion.
Me: What?
Adam: Everybody wanna pass as cats. We all wanna be big big stars.
Me:....whatever. I'm playing Dr. Mario.

I really turned out to be a lot less melodramatic than I thought I would be.

P.S. I still think he's cute though. Not sure what that's all about. I'd say I have bad taste in guys, but then Rob would read it and be like, What the hell is that supposed to mean?

P.P.S. Plus, it turns out he's actually 43. 43 tomorrow, actually, according to Wikipedia. Who knew? That gives him a good couple of decades on me. I feel that using the babysitter rule of dating is advisable. The rule is this: Could he have been your babysitter? Yes? Then it's creepy.

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