Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Project! Need your help!!
I'm a total hypocrite. Every day I check everyone else's blogs and if they haven't updated I think to myself "DAMNIT, I ALREADY READ THAT. UPDATE! UPDATE!" But do I update? Not so much. I probably post less often than anyone. So here I am posting, but I dont really have anything interesting to talk about today.
I had a long day. Got to campus at 11 and didn't get home until 11 at night. Okay, so those last two hours were spent in a bar and not at school...
Tomorrow I dont have to do anything. No school, no work.
Okay, here's something of note
It's for my RIDICULOUS photography class. The assignment was to do 'systematic' photography like "I'm going to take a picture of every watertower from twenty feet away". Mine isn't quite what she wants but she's letting me get away with it- I'm going to ask fifty different people what they wouldn't want to live without, and then I'm going to go out and photography those fifty things and make a project out of it.So here's where I need you're help
Respond in the comments or email me
Finish the following sentence "I wouldn't want to live without..." and then give a short explanation. It can be something specific like "I wouldn't want to live without McDonald's cheeseburgers" or it can be something abstract like "I wouldn't want to live without laughing". Whatever you like!
In other news, I called Danny sometime last week and he hasn't called me back yet. After all that we've been through. After all the years I worked three jobs to keep him clothed and in school. *Sigh* It hurts, it hurts...


Joseph said...

I couldn't live without air, or water, or blood, or my head. If I didn't have those things I would die.

I'll be back later with a serious answer.

jon jon said...

I want to answer, "I wouldn't want to live without my penis." And, while that's true... I don't think you want to deal with the ramifications that answer would present. Instead, I'll say, "I wouldn't want to live without Music." Take a picture of that! :)

Hugs... To you and Robbie... I haven't called you two lately either, and I'd like to remind you that it's not because I don't care, or I don't love... It's just because I'm a bad person...



Joseph said...

Oh!! Oh!! I don't want to live without Courtney Cox naked!

Joseph said...

Okay, how about movies. That's probably true, as it's what I'm studying to aim the rest of my life towards.

Anonymous said... thing I can't live without is my sister Erin. I mean, she is the most influential person in my friggin life. She taught me everything I know. She raised me so well, I'm glad I had at least one sister who cared.

Wah ha ha...i'm ruining your project. I hope you get an F-.

Lola said...

Oh yeah danny? Well, the jokes on you CAUSE THERES NO SUCH THING AS AN F- !!! HAHAHAHAHAHA

Anonymous said...

i dont need anything! but this paddle brush, and this ashtray, and this chair.. (steve martin, "the jerk" anyone?)

i cant live without my hair dryer and round brush.
its vital to my very being....

that... and music...
(especially singing in my car as loud as i can for 2 hours driving to novi... it's great therapy.. can't live without it)

~ m a r c y

Anonymous said...

Laura, they make F-'s for people who do one of the following:
a) Leave their family for a new life in New York w/ their new "husband"...or
b) Tell their brothers that there is no Santa

And since you fit in to both conditions, you get an F-. Maybe even a Double F-. I'm not sure, you should check with your teacher.


Lola said...

Danny, Danny, Danny-
I did neither of those things- First of all, ERIN was the one who said there was no Santa, just like she told me. Also, did you miss the part where I said that I'm coming back to Michigan at the end of next year, like in May? If I dont graduate, you're not going to get that inheritance from and you wont be able to retire at twenty two and play solitare all day . What, did you think Erin was going to support you? She wont even give me back that $20 she owes me. If you want your inheritance from me, you'd better shape up, buddy.

Anonymous said...

So what you're saying is that you just expect all us Winthers to be on hold while you're away for two years? Please, next year I'll be outta here Sista...and I ain't looking back.

Next on the agenda is you framing my sister Erin. How rude, she is an angel.

And lastly, who are you kidding Laura. There is no inheritance money, okay? Last time I checked , you're just as poor as that Pop-Can John guy in Davison, the one who had a shopping cart and collected all our popcans from us. The only difference is, he's awesome,and you're not. He would never get an F-.
