Sunday, October 23, 2005

Wu are you?
So last night, Rob, Alex, Sarah, and I looked up our Wu Names. I can't remember mine, Alex was "Hidden Ninja", and Sarah was something like "Proud Bear" (I can't remember exactly). Kind of normal names, right? Guess what Rob gets? Rob gets "Insane Freak". How hilarious is that. Here's a better site than the one we went to last night.
I took a few minutes to look up my family's Wu-Names, so that we can get used to calling each other them..
Dad- you're "Optimistic Lyricist"
Erin- You're "Sheepish Lord of Chaos"
Danny- You're "My Cousin the Wife-Beatah"
probably the best is my mom, who's Wu-Name is "Budget Nudist". Hmm..
Curtis is "Officer Stinkah"
and Sierra is "Slumbering Pierrot"
So, this is a totally different "Wu-Name Generator" than the one we used last night. Guess what Rob's name is? Flailing Fanatical Killah. Anyone feel like the World of Wu is trying to warn me about Rob?


Joseph said...

I just checked that site and posted my name and my friends names on my site. Then I did a little fact checking of my own into your case.

As it turns out, YOUR name is Flailing Fanatical Killer. Rob is Embryonic Crusadah.

Lola said...

I have a feeling the Wu-Generator isn't consistent- the first time I put in Rob it was "Flailing Fanatical Killah" and then it turned into "Embryonic Crusadah". I decided to go with the first. Also, a friend of mine is also, "Cybernetic Tiger", so I have a feeling there are repeats there, joseph..