Monday, October 17, 2005

Yesterday, I bought more candy for my office and I brought it in today. The other GA was there today. I ask you, how many pieces of candy do you think she ate, in the short hour and a half I was there? Yes, I was counting. 7. Seven pieces of candy in under 2 hours. There were about five pieces left when I left. It's big candy! It's the mini candy bars!

You of the candy eating! Enough!

Here is the big bag full of fun things I did today. Dishes, payroll, renewed Rob's license plates, sent out electric and cable bills, called my bank, hid the rest of my candy in a desk. If only everyone's Mondays could be so great.


academicecs said...

Where is your giving spirit? And by the way! Big and mini do not go together. They were either big or mini! Which is it?

Lola said...

I'm all about giving, I'm just more about SPREADING THE GIVING AROUND. Also, it was big small candy. Not those kind that are 1 bite, the kind that are 3 bites, know what I mean?

academicecs said...

Big small candy? Very descriptive! You are a master of the English lanmguage.

Lola said...

Oh! As are you, Mr. Lanmguage!

academicecs said...

Damn keyboard!

Lola said...
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