Monday, December 04, 2006

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

And slippery. Very slippery. I fell coming out of Saladays tonight. Rob, gentleman that he is, even felt so bad for me that he helped me up and let me dust off my jeans before he started laughing and yelling "you fell!". Charming, that Rob.
What combats all of the coldness and slipperyness?
Breathe Right Strips.
You heard me. Breathe Right Strips. They're freeing. Say what you will about them, but Rob went and got me some last night when my sinuses were all clogged up.
The difference is night and day.
So I say, why save it for when you're sleeping?
Which is why I am wearing one this very second, as I drink a glass of wine and type on my blog.
Try it, you'll thank me.

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