Saturday, September 04, 2004

Hippie State University

So, I go to a hippie school. Don't get me wrong, I love it, but at the same time it's completely hilarious. You know how you would always see all the people in Abercrombie at Western, especially the freshman? No. Skirts. Long flowy skirts. Lots of layered clothes and non-matching clothes. Head scarves galore. Lots of anti-Bush tee shirts.
But this isn't even the half of it. The undergrads have no majors. They're supposed to have a well-rounded education, so there are no majors, you're supposed to touch on a little of everything. Also, no grades. Nope. Just evaluations that the teachers write out for each student (which they can do because there is a max of 15 students to a class and 2 classes to a professor). And lastly, I was helping run registration for undergrads this week (when I say 'helping', i mean 'desperate for money and working') A bunch of them came in late and they're like "I didnt get to register because I got arrested" Yeah, like a huge group of them got arrested for protesting at the Republican National Convention.

Also, I'd like to take this opportunity to suggest that everyone get Netflix. It's awesome. $22 a month, you get as many movies as you want, up to three at a time. So I order them, it takes one day to get here, I watch them, I send them back (which takes one day), and they send me the next three that are in my 'queue'. It's awesome. And postage is paid both ways. Get it. Or else.

Did laundry today. Big fun.


Anonymous said...

Are you Netflix's unofficial spokesperson? What day of the month do you get paid?

Joseph said...

You'll fit right in... hippie.