Thursday, August 24, 2006

Laura Has 2 Glasses of Wine and Writes A Blog

Thoughts Thought During My Second Day At My New Job, A Selection:
"Maybe I should just sleep in"
"Why can't everyone just wear jeans to work?"
"Is this lady kidding me?"
"Maybe I have a text message"
"How the F does this copy machine work?"
"I'll kill myself if they don't fix my internet"
"Is this lady kidding me?"
"4 more hours"
"Someday, I'll be a genius, and not making copies"
"Wine sounds good"
"Is this lady kidding me?"

Needless to say, one of the secretaries is crazy. Certifiably. She's been there for 14 years and apparently she's a bit of a control freak. I get this email from her when I get into work, and I look at the time it was sent. 5:53. We don't have to be to work until 7. So I go over and show the cool secretary, and she informs me that crazy secretary comes into work between 4:30 and 5am everyday. For no apparent reason.
Also, Crazy Secretary won't let us throw anything away. There are ink cartridges and printer ribbon from machines that don't even EXIST anymore, and she won't let us throw them away.
Dear Crazy Secretary,
I know the 80's are coming back in fashion, but the trend doesn't apply to office technology.
Love, Laura

Question I most asked myself today:
"Laura. Why the crap didn't you take the job at Sarah Lawrence?"
Answer: Because it was in New York.
I didn't want to stay in New York. I'm glad I didn't. But at the same time... that would have been the freaking SWEETEST job.
Oh well.

Rob got a job. He's teaching high school writing. We got furniture today. Yay us!

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