Sunday, January 07, 2007

Blah, January.

Tomorrow is the most dreaded of all days, the day I have to go back to work after a 16 day vacation. It's like you actually forget you ever worked when you have time off. There will, however, probably be some good stories.

January is lame.
Here are some things I'm looking forward to, beyond January:

(1) Rob and I planned a trip to Chicago over Presidents Day weekend. More exciting than the trip, however, is the fact that we're taking the train there. I really love the train. Also going to see a show at Second City, possibly the Art Institute, and some other cool stuff I haven't come up with yet. Also planning on running into my pal Oprah.

(2) ALSO planned a mini-trip for Memorial Day Weekend. I'm running the Bayshore Half Marathon in Traverse City and then Rob is going to come up and meet me and we're going to spend the rest of the weekend camping at Traverse City State Park. You should try reserving a campsite online now, it's sweet- they show you a map of all the sites and how close they are to the beach and even if it's a sunny or shady site, and then you get to pick which one you want.

(3) My freaking story is finally finished. A few months ago, a guy called me from a literary magazine that I had sent my story to. He said he really liked it, but he thought it needed another draft. So I've been (slowly) working on a draft and I promised myself I'd finish it before Christmas break was over. Suprisingly, I did. But... when I sent it to him, I got an email back saying he was no longer with that magazine.
It's actually kind of funny.
I'm not really upset about it, because I'm so glad to feel like the story is actually done. He said to submit it to the new fiction editor and explain the situation, anyways. We'll see how it goes...

(4) Rob bought me a lottery ticket and I think it's the jackpot winner.

Also, while I was in the bathtub tonight, I came up with two new inventions, just in case the lottery thing doesn't work out.

(1) Your cellphone should have an adapter that lets it charge through your computer, just like your Ipod does. Rob says to me "I'm sure someone else has already thought of that." Rob likes to stomp on my genius on a regular basis.

(2) I'm going to invent the most comfortable and book-friendly bathtub known to man. The problem is, I want to read in the bathtub. This never works. My book alwaysalwaysALWAYS gets wet. Then the pages crinkle up and I don't want to read it anymore. Yes, I'm that finnicky. This bathtub is going to make it possible to lay back comfortably, without getting your hair wet and without getting your book wet. I'm not sure how that's going to happen quite yet, which makes it less of an invention and more of an idea, but ideas, like knowing, are half the battle.

Aaaannnnddd lastly...
We're now addicted to The Office, which brings our number of shows watched up to 3. Getting the old seasons of television shows from Netflix will somehow be my downfall in the end. It's probably the funniest thing I've ever seen, though.


Margaret Lee said...

I am totally confused (virgin blogger that I am). I posted a response to you on my blog but how would you know it is there? So you see some things haven't changed like my kookiness. Love, the Jerse!

Joseph said...

Sorry, the new cell phones that work on a mini USB connection already charge through a computer. It was a brilliant idea though, if only you had thought of it before your RAZR came out.
