Sunday, January 28, 2007

Here it is.

We. love. this. house.
We went to the open house today and it's basically the cutest thing of all time. The red room is my office (plenty of windows), the blue room is the guest room, and Rob and his noise-making is relegated to the basement (his choice).
The master bedroom is awesome.
Now all we need is to seriously talk them down. What's nice for us (and bad for everyone else) is that Kalamazoo's economy is crap-o right now and there are 20,000,000 houses on the market.
We'll see, we'll see.


Anonymous said...

Oh, look...a nursery. You are right, this is a perfect home for you. Just kidding, it is really nice. Buy it. NOW.

Here is that website I told you to look at. Go there. NOW.,1607,7-141-5485-31237--,00.html

Lola said...

I'M NOT HAVING BABIES!! YOU'RE having babies! Get on it, why don't you?